
Who am I? Who are You?

Am Blessed and Grateful to be on this beautiful journey.. . I like to help people to feel good about themselves, and to live their lives to the fullest. When it comes right down to it, everyone’s job is to live life. Everyone’s job is about walking their unique path and accomplishing their life’s purpose.

There’s a lot of confusion between what a person does and who that person really is. We are taught that a person is what they do. 

When introducing themselves, adults don’t ask each other what their favorite color is or if they like the smell of wet grass in the spring. Instead they ask, “what do you do?” and then make all kinds of quick judgments based on the answer to that one question.

We are also taught to define and value and make judgments about ourselves by what we do.

But we are not what we do! We are a collection of our life experiences, feelings, emotions, beliefs, and ways of thinking. What we do is merely one tiny aspect of who we really are.

My Blogs

Chakra Wisdom cards – Tori Hartman

Hi I got my pack  at Tori Hartman’s workshop at Mind Body Spirit festival. She very sweetly autographed it too. I have started using it quite regularly since then and the readings have been pretty awesome honestly.


As Tori says

The Chakra Wisdom Oracle will allow you to see what was once invisible to you. It has taken 25 years for the fables to come to life in workshops, readings, and fable groups. The most remarkable thing is how they reveal your path and gift instantly if you understand how to step into the state of connection with your higher self. Like many gifts from Spirit, it takes some people time to recognize what they’re given and the path they must take to realize their true calling.

The Chakra Wisdom Oracle cards are so powerful, you will be amazed at how they will help you unlock and release whatever has stood in your way to achieve your dreams. Although you will already know how to have a conversation with the universal wisdom that is already inside by using these cards, the Chakra Wisdom Oracle also has a supplemental workbook that can be used with the cards. In the workbook, you will be able to see ways to delve deeper into each card by having access to the extended fables. This will open your ability to hear your Spirit Guides’ messages for you. Ultimately, you will be able to use the power of Chakra effectively for yourself. Never go to a “guru” or “psychic” again because you will now be empowered and you will now have all the wisdom you require with these cards!

What is also interesting is the fable behind each card.


  • The Legend – This tells you the essence of the fable.
  • Inspiration – This is the inspired meaning of the card and gives you a general idea of what the card means.
  • Personal Inquiry – These are questions to ask yourself in order to find a deeper meaning from the cards.
  • Key Ideas – Defines several scenarios in a person’s life that relates to the fable.
  • Key Words – Provides themes associated with the fable.
  • Meditation – Each meditation is designed to allow you to use your own intuitive power to go deep within and find an answer that may not be on the written page.


If You are interested in a reading Please contact me and I will share one with You.




Balancing and Cleansing Workshop

Available via Skype, Facetime too

Did you know that changing the energy of the environment around You can be enough to accelerate a deep healing process?

In this workshop we will learn a few simple methods to
– cleanse and purify our home environment and other places we visit
– cleanse our physical and emotional bodies
– learn how to protect ourselves from negative influences
– understand how to notice imbalances in our chakras and understand how to balance them..
And a lot more

My Blogs

The Best possible scenario

The Best possible scenario

Have you ever said ok let’s see what can happen in the best case scenario? We so often end up saying – Ok whats the worst that can happen?
Is it something that we hear everyone around us say? Or is it just something ingrained in us?
Does anyone have an answer Why is this?

I think it is now up to all of us to share and teach whoever we can even if it’s just one that instead of looking at the worst case scenario Let’s change our outlook and look at the “Best Case Scenario”
By looking at it this way, we are attracting more positivity to our lives. We are putting all that we no longer need, desire, accept behind us and are ready to tell the universe that positivity in all fields is what we are attracting now 🙂