
Who am I? Who are You?

Am Blessed and Grateful to be on this beautiful journey.. . I like to help people to feel good about themselves, and to live their lives to the fullest. When it comes right down to it, everyone’s job is to live life. Everyone’s job is about walking their unique path and accomplishing their life’s purpose.

There’s a lot of confusion between what a person does and who that person really is. We are taught that a person is what they do. 

When introducing themselves, adults don’t ask each other what their favorite color is or if they like the smell of wet grass in the spring. Instead they ask, “what do you do?” and then make all kinds of quick judgments based on the answer to that one question.

We are also taught to define and value and make judgments about ourselves by what we do.

But we are not what we do! We are a collection of our life experiences, feelings, emotions, beliefs, and ways of thinking. What we do is merely one tiny aspect of who we really are.


New moon ritual and blessings


The New Moon is a time that promotes growth in all aspects of our lives. It is a powerful time to write our wishes and goals to stimulate new growth in our lives.

Write down all your intentions today. The most important thing to remember is to write with feeling, with intention. Your feelings for your intentions are important. A good day to journal, go within.  Your wants, blessings, needs.  Be very specific. Write that which makes you feel joyful, uplifted, grateful..

Read it aloud to the universe or whoever you would like to read it to ( Masters, Angels, Guardians..)  Later go outdoors and burn it safely giving it all to the universe. Be Grateful for all that You have and Stay happy and Blessed 🙂


Self esteem – strongest factor for success

The strongest factor for success in all aspects of our lives is self-esteem.

When we develop a strong sense of self worth, we have more faith in all that we do.

We need to believe in ourselves, believe that we are capable of visualising, manifesting, creating all that we want. With a great sense of self-esteem we also feel we deserve it.

Believe You can do it
Believe You deserve it And
Believe You will get it.


Believe in yourself, have the faith, trust yourself..


The Lotus flower and Humans


“The lotus is the most beautiful flower, whose petals open one by one. But it will only grow in the mud. In order to grow and gain wisdom, first you must have the mud — the obstacles of life and its suffering. … The mud speaks of the common ground that humans share, no matter what our stations in life. … Whether we have it all or we have nothing, we are all faced with the same obstacles: sadness, loss, illness, dying and death. If we are to strive as human beings to gain more wisdom, more kindness and more compassion, we must have the intention to grow as a lotus and open each petal one by one. ”
― Goldie Hawn

lotusHere is a beautiful Buddhist Lotus Meditation:

Imagine that you are a lotus seed buried beneath a muddy lotus pond. There is mud all around you, and you can feel them clearly. Above you, above this muddy pool of dirt, mud and filth, are sunshine and air. You are not disheartened as you begin your journey towards the surface.

With a determined heart, you begin to wiggle in the earth. You grow roots deep, deep into the mud. Your little stem grows up slowly. Suddenly, “pop” you are out of the mud! Your stem grows higher and higher, taller and taller. You rise up slowly, fighting against the muddy water. All of a sudden, you are out of the muddy pond! You reach up towards the warm sun, shining down on you.

Your lotus bud begins to grow on top of your stem. It expands and grows larger and larger, finally bursting into full bloom. A white lotus flower. You stand beautifully above the muddy water, not dirtied by the mud from which you grow. You are white, fragrant and beautiful.

Everyone who saw you marvelled at your beauty! Your determination to grow out of the muddy pond reminds them of the Buddha and his journey towards Enlightenment. The Buddha, like a lotus, is determined to grow out of the muddy surroundings, that is the defilements and sufferings of life. He has done all that is to be done and he is showing us that we can all do it too. We may have defilements but we all have the potential of growing out of our defilements and achieving wisdom, like the Buddha.

You are a beautiful white lotus flower, and your role is to remind people to rise above their defilements and sufferings, just as you are arising above the muddy water and not dirtied by the mud from which you grow.


Have Some Fun :)

If you are on the Spiritual path, that does not mean that You have to be serious. Being young at heart, connecting with your inner child, dancing, singing, walks in the park are all part of us..When working with the Angels, the more relaxed you are, the easier it is to connect with the Angels.
So let go, relax and have some fun.



Supercharge Your crystals during Full Moon

During the Full Moon, charging your gemstones is an opportune time to not only cleanse the energy of your crystals and whatever other talismans you may carry, but it also magnifies the energies of the said objects. Full Moon energy is potent with the energy of fullness, abundance, attraction, manifestation, love– so keep in mind which stones and objects you want to amplify. That being said, you can charge objects at different moon phases for different energies you want to enhance.


Rose quartz is often called the “Love Stone.” It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion and peace, tenderness, healing, nourishment and comfort. It speaks directly to the Heart Chakra, dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments, and circulates a Divine loving energy throughout the entire aura.


A Place to share your Gratitude.

We wake up daily with so many things on our minds. So much to do, complete, achieve…
In the process often we lose that connection with ourselves.

We sat often in groups and have chanted and chatted and shared a lot. One morning i thought everybody seems to wake up or at some point during the day seems to get onto either Facebook or some other form of social media to connect with what’s happening in the world.


So I decided to start a group to Thank the Universe for something personal. Why are we so scared to share something so personal and profound – we can share what we do, what we eat, where we eat,what we wear, where we go…
So why not something we are Grateful for too.

We often share our emotions via photographs or links we see. But No! Here we are only allowed to share what we feel, straight from our hearts.

Please do join us in this wonderful group 🙂 It is a closed group But just ask and I will add You on.

Looking forward to a lot of sharing.

With love and GRATITUDE 🙂

Angel Card for the week

Angel card for the week – Three of Fire Abundance!

The Three of Fire in the Angel Tarot Card Deck bears the message “Abundance! Things look very good, have patience at this time. Make long term plans.”

When this card comes up, that angels are acknowledging that you’re doing everything right, but they see that things aren’t moving fast enough for you. Their message is to have patience. Don’t give up. This IS the right path.
You’re on the right path. It’s going to take a little bit longer, so don’t get frustrated or discouraged. Instead, use this time to re-affirm your dreams and desires. You may want to be more specific about the steps you need to take to reach your goal, but do so in a gentle and encouraging way. Patience is a virtue, and you will be rewarded for following through on this.

When you experience success with something, you either know that your hard work was worth it or you feel like the fruits of your labor weren’t as sweet as you’d hoped, indicating a need to shift your focus to something different.

If you feel like you have put a lot of work into something and are still waiting to reap the rewards, the Three of Wands Tarot card encourages you to have patience for success is just around the corner!