
Angel blessings 

Am sending you all Angel blessings for this weekend. With the eclipse on monday the 21st of august the energies are very tense. This a perfect time to call upon your Angels and ask them to bless and protect you against any harsh energies. 

Just ask and your Angels are there to listen to you.. You can call upon a specific Angel or just call upon the archangels.. they can hear you irrespective.. 

Here is a list, if you like , of some of the Archangels one can call upon:

: Archangel Micheal for protection 

: Archangel Raphael for healing on all levels 

: Archangel Gabriel for inner strength 

: Archangel Ariel for protection from negativity 

: Archangel Uriel for wisdom and light 

: Archangel Zadkiel to help you with resolutions and forgiveness… 

there are so many more Archangels one can call upon. There are also your own Guardian Angels you can call upon. 


Being kind to your yourself

By being kind to yourself, you are honouring yourself and your true worth. 

Being kind to yourself is not selfish.. you can only be kind to others if you learn to be kind to yourself first 😊​


Who am I? Who are You?

Am Blessed and Grateful to be on this beautiful journey.. . I like to help people to feel good about themselves, and to live their lives to the fullest. When it comes right down to it, everyone’s job is to live life. Everyone’s job is about walking their unique path and accomplishing their life’s purpose.

There’s a lot of confusion between what a person does and who that person really is. We are taught that a person is what they do. 

When introducing themselves, adults don’t ask each other what their favorite color is or if they like the smell of wet grass in the spring. Instead they ask, “what do you do?” and then make all kinds of quick judgments based on the answer to that one question.

We are also taught to define and value and make judgments about ourselves by what we do.

But we are not what we do! We are a collection of our life experiences, feelings, emotions, beliefs, and ways of thinking. What we do is merely one tiny aspect of who we really are.


Create and Manifest 

Spend time now focusing your energies on manifesting and creating all that serves your higher purpose..what do you really and truly desire? Close your eyes, sit in silence and understand what it is that your higher self truly desires for this beautiful journey. 

Blogs, Card for the month

Card for March

JOY – the state of the heart and the soul
Joy happens when the heart and soul unite. Joy can create in you a sense of contentment, acceptance and serenity. Even when your life is in a flux, you feel a deep knowing that whatever happens will be for the highest good of all mankind.

Ganeshji acknowledges your stress and exhaustion as you work to adapt to new patterns of behaviour and release your old stories. You may not be happy right now but you can experience joy in knowing that striving through a difficult situation is important to learn life’s specific lessons.

Be honest with yourself, allow yourself your feelings and emotions. Emotions that have been repressed for lifetimes are being healed at this point.

Whispers of Lord Ganesh deckIMG_0021.JPG

Blogs, My Blogs

Exploring life? 

Does it ever happen to you that You just feel like flying..soaring through the sky? 

There are so many meanings and interpretations about this .. But I am not getting into that.. Am actually wondering what it would truly feel like ☺️  

To just take off and explore the world from another angle , another view.. 

So why can’t we do that even now? Do we have to fly to look at things from a different perspective?  Can we just close our eyes and looking at everything from a non-judgemental point of view. And then open our eyes and see that there are so many different points of views in life.. No one is right or wrong.. It’s just a persons point of view ☺️ 

What would be a step you would take to understanding others better? 


New moon ritual and blessings


The New Moon is a time that promotes growth in all aspects of our lives. It is a powerful time to write our wishes and goals to stimulate new growth in our lives.

Write down all your intentions today. The most important thing to remember is to write with feeling, with intention. Your feelings for your intentions are important. A good day to journal, go within.  Your wants, blessings, needs.  Be very specific. Write that which makes you feel joyful, uplifted, grateful..

Read it aloud to the universe or whoever you would like to read it to ( Masters, Angels, Guardians..)  Later go outdoors and burn it safely giving it all to the universe. Be Grateful for all that You have and Stay happy and Blessed 🙂


Online courses


Just sharing my online workshops I have just launched 🙂

Learn how to do Angel card readings ( from the comfort of your home )


Clearing, cleansing and balancing energies 🙂
