Angel Card for the week, Blogs, CARD FOR THIS WEEK, My Blogs

Angel Card for the weekend 12th – 14th June

There’s Nothing to Worry About

The angels send this card to you because you’ve been needlessly worrying. Worry is a form of prayer that draws to you that which you do not desire. Release your worries to your angels, as there truly is nothing to worry about. In fact, your worries could create a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Additional meanings for this card: Everything’s much better than you imagine • Ask the angels to release you from worry • A happy outcome is inevitable • Avoid worrying, lest the negative emotions pull you and the situation down • The angels are with you, and everything’s okay.

So let’s not take any any unnecessary worry onto ourselves and instead Let go, believe, trust, have faith and


Do you want to be right or happy?

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” ~Lao Tzu


How many of you have often felt: “why can’t my partner listen to me?, she/he would see that I am right.” Isn’t this something a lot of us relate to? We acquire this “I’m right” mentality quite honestly. As we were growing up, we believed that the way things were in our family was the way things were in the world. Our parents were our main models for relationship and marriage. Unfortunately, our partner also formed their beliefs through their family, a different family than the one in which we grew up. Now what do we do? Could there be more than one “right way” to do something? Only after we get older and experience other couples and how they relate, or we begin to work on ourselves, can we even imagine the possibility that there might be something different than what we grew up accepting.

What is more detrimental to happiness than the pursuit of being right … which is to say, being seen as right. For personal proof of this, consider the people you know who are most insistent on their politics, their patterns, their viewpoint, their way… they tend to judge the most, insult the most, complain the most, and suffer the most.

Honestly try this – the next time you KNOW you are right about any situation with a anyone close to you whose viewpoint opposes yours, just try and let go of the need to BE right and give your opinion.

Even when that “I know I am right and he is wrong” feeling fills you,stop yourself from reacting this time.

Think about it – Is there truly a reason to even pursue the feeling? Will resolving the difference really lead to an important benefit, such as preventing accidents, improving health, making or saving money or the like? If so, consciously remind yourself to proceed softly and kindly this time … remind yourself (and tell the other person!) that you are pursuing this discussion gently only to achieve the desired benefit, not to be seen as right.

After this first time of letting go of the need to be right — even and especially if it means the other person will think they’re right – watch what happens. Most probably, Nothing – your world won’t collapse. Things won’t fall to pieces because you didn’t try to prove that your point was right.

Walk your talk and watch people ( in time ) follow suite. They ALSO end up backing off the need to be right, making life all the more pleasant.

Let’s just keep in mind that our blessing in life is The pursuit of happiness


Self esteem – strongest factor for success

The strongest factor for success in all aspects of our lives is self-esteem.

When we develop a strong sense of self worth, we have more faith in all that we do.

We need to believe in ourselves, believe that we are capable of visualising, manifesting, creating all that we want. With a great sense of self-esteem we also feel we deserve it.

Believe You can do it
Believe You deserve it And
Believe You will get it.


Believe in yourself, have the faith, trust yourself..


Chanting New Age Mantras

Chanting to new age mantras by Deva Premal and Guru Amrit.
A time to “JUST BE”

Please contact me on for further details.

Love and Gratitude


Supercharge Your crystals during Full Moon

During the Full Moon, charging your gemstones is an opportune time to not only cleanse the energy of your crystals and whatever other talismans you may carry, but it also magnifies the energies of the said objects. Full Moon energy is potent with the energy of fullness, abundance, attraction, manifestation, love– so keep in mind which stones and objects you want to amplify. That being said, you can charge objects at different moon phases for different energies you want to enhance.


Rose quartz is often called the “Love Stone.” It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion and peace, tenderness, healing, nourishment and comfort. It speaks directly to the Heart Chakra, dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments, and circulates a Divine loving energy throughout the entire aura.


Decide to be happy now – It is your choice

Simple steps to happiness.

A simple step we need to remember is how much we have and how grateful we should be in life.
Count your blessings. Practicing Gratitude is a wonderful way to achieve happiness. Try and daily write down a few things daily that you have to be grateful for.

Look within. Happiness lies within us – not in the shoes we buy, the home, the car, the clothes etc.. Not in going to a spa, on a holiday.. Living on external stimuli to experience happiness is short-lived. Happiness comes from within us.
“A happy life consists in tranquility of mind.” – Cicero

Remember that happiness is in your control. Don’t give the power away to another to snatch away your happiness.

This is an article on 22 “fun” ways to be happier now 🙂,,20793541_2,00.html


Happiness is the ultimate purpose in life

10 instant tips to be happier now.

Happiness is achievable, for all of us


Angel Tarot Horoscope – April 2015

– ARIES – Decide to be Happy now. Instead of making your happiness dependant on your future, focus on all that you have and that which is working for You and me grateful for that. Allow yourself to experience joy and this will make you feel empowered. Do not let outside experiences determine how you feel.

– TAURUS – You are on the right path and this card is a validation that Your thoughts and actions are in the right direction towards achieving your lifes purpose and inner peace. You may not clearly see whats up ahead, but the angels want you to know that you are being guided and protected every step of the way. Keep up the good work.

GEMINI – You may be feeling confused by conflicted feels and are unsure of which direction to go. You need to reach the inner core of truth. Write everything ( private journal ) you are thinking and feeling without editing or censoring your words. This will enable you to gain insights and get clarity into the nature of what you truly desire. This will illuminate the steps you need to take next.

CANCER – You’ve become embroiled in a situation to the point where you cant see it objectively. It’s time to step back and see a bigger view. You are being asked to detach from the situation and the surrounding emotions. Ask for help so you don’t take offense in others behavior which will help you from acting defensively. Your actions will step from love and wisdom.

-LEO – You are being asked to pay attention to your dreams. During your sleep time you are being helped to release old fears and reach new heights of happiness and peace. You get a lot of answers in your dreams.Keep a book next to your bed and start recording all that you remember from the previous nights dreams. You will recognize the patterns and this will give you guidance.

-VIRGO – Be gentle with yourself and honor your sensitivity emotionally and physically. You’ve been pushing yourself too hard and beating yourself up for no reason. You are doing the best you can in this situation so give yourself a break, slow down and be good to yourself. Speak lovingly about yourself and others. You need some quiet time and a healthy diet. Avoid toxicity.

-LIBRA –Take a look inward and listen as this card is a sign that your feelings are tuned into the truth. Some feelings may be uncomfortable to face but they are there for a reason. Do not ignore the feelings, respect your inner voice and feelings as this is guidance and answers coming to You. Write down your feeling, why, what can I do, keep an open mind and trust what you hear.

-SCORPIO – You are being held in a comforting embrace assuring you of your innocence. Ask for help to forgive yourself and let go of guilt. Use the prayer on the card to help you release this heavy emotion that keeps you from experiencing inner peace. Purify and detoxify your mind, body and spirit. Focus on others good qualities not mistakes.

-SAGGITARIUS – You are being guided along the path of your lifes purpose Is there an excitement when you think about your passions? You are on the right path, keep a steady eye on your goals. Visualise that you already have that which your heart desires. Any desire you have is viable as long as you keep your eye on it. And stay focused. Keep the faith – Keep going!

-CAPRICORN – Your children or your inner child is being watched over. If your children, they are being guided towards their divine purpose. Give up your worries about your children. Your life purpose could involve children too. Take care of your inner child by playing, having fun and recognizing the child within. Your inner child is vital to balance in your life.

-AQUARIUS – You are being given a reassuring message that God is in charge. Stop struggling against the flow. There’s a natural course that is being taken, and it’s important to trust that things are going in the right direction…because they are. Allow yourself to receive help when it’s being offered. A miraculous solution is in the works. Your prayers will be answered.

-PISCES – You are a strong and independent person, yet there are times that everyone needs support and this is your time. Don’t burden yourself with unnecessary worry which blocks you from experiencing the solution at hand. When you allow others to help and support you, you empower yourself. You are being asked to hand over all your worries completely to the gods and angels. Ask for help and support.

Angel Card for the week

Angel card for the week – Three of Fire Abundance!

The Three of Fire in the Angel Tarot Card Deck bears the message “Abundance! Things look very good, have patience at this time. Make long term plans.”

When this card comes up, that angels are acknowledging that you’re doing everything right, but they see that things aren’t moving fast enough for you. Their message is to have patience. Don’t give up. This IS the right path.
You’re on the right path. It’s going to take a little bit longer, so don’t get frustrated or discouraged. Instead, use this time to re-affirm your dreams and desires. You may want to be more specific about the steps you need to take to reach your goal, but do so in a gentle and encouraging way. Patience is a virtue, and you will be rewarded for following through on this.

When you experience success with something, you either know that your hard work was worth it or you feel like the fruits of your labor weren’t as sweet as you’d hoped, indicating a need to shift your focus to something different.

If you feel like you have put a lot of work into something and are still waiting to reap the rewards, the Three of Wands Tarot card encourages you to have patience for success is just around the corner!